We are here not only for ourselves, but to be both a beacon and soft landing place for others, and to leave the world better just by us being here.
The best bit about this is that there are things that we can do in each and every moment that contribute to this. Each and every act and way of observing our world confirms this.
We can do all of the self care and inner work in the world.... yet, in isolation we can only ever be so affective. Isolation, I believe, is the greatest social problem there is.
In the words of Thich Nhat Hahn “we are all collaborators in creation. What you and I are becoming, the world is becoming”.
We have no idea how long we have left, and how much time we have left to do what we feel called to do. One thing is this, I know that we are so much more capable than we even know.
I have felt a deep sadness attributed to the reality that we all have so much more in us than...
There is a story that we tell over and over, and there are a million and one ways to tell it. We choose the story we tell about who we are, the lives that we have lived and where we will next direct ourselves.
We also redefine it over and over again.
I’m not so big on the term ‘empowerment’, only because I feel that it suggests that we need something outside of us to say who we already are to tell the story that we wish to tell.
The story we tell, as we speak it, begins to shift. It can’t not. As we speak it, space is created for us to really consider the words exiting our mouths and in an instant, there is space for the story to evolve.
There is room for it to transform the space outside us as our wisdom touches the hearts of those around us.
Our stories are our life. They make us wise.
Abracadabra is the definition of our words are spells that create magic as we speak them. The narrative that we create offers...
This photo was taken during a temple ceremony earlier this year as a part of the Awakened Leadership training I was involved in.
It is near on impossible to miss the devotion to ceremony and ritual in Balinese life. This is based on a rich appreciation for who we are by nature- the dark and light of it all and how we move through these spaces as we go about life.
Each of us are the epicentre of an entire way of life that actively impacts us and that we in turn impact in every possible way.... even if we are not conscious to it, and ESPECIALLY when we are not conscious to it. This interplay becomes who we are in the world as much as anything else.
The ways that we can influence, shape and shift these systems are endless. It is also essential as we move forward that we become more and more aware of what we do not understand.
We are ignorant and filled with judgement by human nature. None of us are free of this, yet we can consciously choose to expand our...
Here is a picture of me that the world does not so often see, yet which have become my saviour- free form movement, taken at sunrise this morning, at one of the higher points on the island.
As humans, we innately expand and contract. It is our very essence, and as essential as our breath. There are so many things which bring us home over and over again to the place where we most intimately recognise ourselves. Those spaces where we just know where we are in and out of integrity with ourselves.
Adversity brings us home. It shows us over and over who we are and what we are capable of. It connects us to humanity and the human spirit. It reminds us to be humble.
There are so many sides to who we are and we have the capacity to hold it all with an open heart and soul. Yes, there is rising, striving and growth, and yes, there is space when we release all the external and redefine all of the parts of “her”. We ultimately don’t move far if...
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