Words of Impact



Here is a picture of me that the world does not so often see, yet which have become my saviour- free form movement, taken at sunrise this morning, at one of the higher points on the island. 


As humans, we innately expand and contract. It is our very essence, and as essential as our breath. There are so many things which bring us home over and over again to the place where we most intimately recognise ourselves. Those spaces where we just know where we are in and out of integrity with ourselves.


Adversity brings us home. It shows us over and over who we are and what we are capable of. It connects us to humanity and the human spirit. It reminds us to be humble. 


There are so many sides to who we are and we have the capacity to hold it all with an open heart and soul. Yes, there is rising, striving and growth, and yes, there is space when we release all the external and redefine all of the parts of “her”. We ultimately don’t move far if...

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