Want to bring about change in our world?



Are you ready to completely ROCK your change creating potential?




Be The Exception

For the woman that yearns to meet herself deeply and create real impact 


I have created this for you. 

You are invited to join the  Aspire Société.

THIS is it!! You want real impact? The real deal, true, immersive, making real stuff happen? Here it is!

"Being the exception" demands that we step outside the norm- outside what is known. Typically we step alone. Société is here so that you not only step, you jump straight into an EPIC mastermind of women who are all on this journey together. 

This is a nine month journey to truly make a difference by stepping into your full potential, your true leadership and to bring others with you. 

There are many many women who are a few steps, or more, behind you in your experience. This is your opportunity to both help them realise what is possible for them, while also setting the example of the world we want them to lead. This is the true expression of love, generosity and contribution.

You have reached this point. You’re doing incredible things and you have a bunch of epic stories to tell about how you landed here. However, there’s one denominator missing. Does your experience count? Is it truly creating change? Or is there room for another evolution of impact?

Our souls LIVE for our stories to influence, guide and lead us into a better world. 

Perhaps you have wondered how you can create something that meaningfully connects others and shifts the trajectory of the world we are in. You may wonder how you can step out and have your own voice, helping others just because you bravely did so.

Your experiences count, because you count and the world needs your wisdom shared. 

This is the expansion of self that will move your wisdom into the world's eyes, ears and hands.  

You will be guided as you define and refine who you are in this world and how you use the best of yourself to facilitate EPIC change. More EPIC than you realise is possible.

The leadership experience you’ve been waiting for

Soft of heart, full of strength, determination and inner knowing, this will be drawn upon as you begin to observe yourself through the lens of intention, possibility, meaning and purpose. You will use all of these resources to create spaces that bring other women with you.

What’s more, Aspire Société is an experience like few others. It is a truly transformational journey where you will co-create alongside women from very different backgrounds and walks of life. You will grow, share, connect and mastermind over nine months. 

True change requires that  people with different world views, wisdom, skills and knowledge come together and find ways to share common problems from different viewpoints. Our experiences, stories, and social projects make us powerful together. 

Aspire Société is not only about elevating and distilling how you interrelate with yourself and the world, it is deeply entrenched in skill development, as you are guided and supported to explore your personal story, expand your sense of self expression, facilitation, leadership, speaking, the development of resources, to shift your world view and to make a direct impact through creating, leading, and evaluating your own social change and impact project.

You will be invited to graduate at the Aspire Summit in Bali, where you will also showcase your artistry and project.

This is an offering for the woman who…

Has lived a big life that has had her stand in the fire, ask herself real questions, step over thresholds and move through adversity. She wants her lived experience and skillset to be channeled and shared so that it can impact other people’s lives and facilitate change.

Is leading in her business, company, organisation, or community. She’s excited to up skill, approach and respond to her work with a fresh perspective.

Is really excited about all things "Aspire Société" and is dedicated to both raising women up and actively contributing to a unique opportunity to lead change.



Is this your time to say YES to your ultimate expansion?


Hey there, 

I’m Michelle and I created The Aspire Series in early 2019 after many years worth of facilitation, social work and coaching experience. It is a channel for what I wanted to see created in the world. The way that I could best create my greatest impact.

The stuff that excites me most is sharing about and creating people centred and heart connected change, especially through the use of lived experience and story. The kind of stuff that shifts people beyond our own limits and has us realise what is possible for us, our communities and the world. 

I firmly believe that we are here not only for ourselves, but to be both a beacon and soft landing place for others, and to leave the world better just by us being here. 

The best bit about this is that there are things that we can do in each and every moment to contribute to this. Each and every act and way of observing our world confirms this. 

I would love to guide and co-create with you through The Aspire Series. 

Will you join me?






‘In all honesty, this course required effort and work. But, it was so worth it’ 

Do this course. No, BE in this course. This course, through The Aspire Series, was a series of learning to be: learning to be in my body, learning to feel into my womb, into my creative source, and into my deeper wisdom and knowing, learning to tap into my intuition, and learning to contribute to the community in a way that is aligned to my vision and soul purpose.

Michelle led this course in a flexible, inspired, sensitive, and grounded way. She showed care, appreciation, gratitude and wisdom and held space for participants in a way that was safe, responsive, and deeply honoured our unique gifts and perspectives. 

Michelle brought heart to the group, her knowledge and wisdom was shared, and space was given for the wisdom of the group to also be shared. Activities were practical and engaging and the simplest of activities were sometimes the most powerful because they were witnessed, given time to percolate, to form and to bloom.

This course required effort and work: time, contemplation and the willingness to take action, and to sit with the uncomfortableness of our own resistance, fears and blocks. It was so worth it.

By doing this course I was able to learn strategies to connect with my body, my intuition, and to gain perspective on my values, mission and the way I wish to contribute in the world. I started my own business, and I am now more clear on how I will, and am contributing in the world. This course has given me tools that I can continue to use that support me to take care of myself, listen in to my body, and my intuition, and also take inspired action from a grounded and connected place. 

Thank you to Michelle and the fellow participants, I shared the experience of this course with. It was a transformative journey of discovery, learning and growth and I am very grateful and blessed to have participated in it.

Rachel De Summa, Forest Immersion Facilitator, Victoria, Australia

‘I love how we connect through our shared experiences and know that we are not alone’

I knew my year would be different and I believed that something magical was on its way and it happened. I met Michelle, the founder of The Aspire Series. I remember I was a bit hesitant to attend because firstly, I’m a shy person and secondly, I went without any knowledge of what the group entailed. Sometimes you just have to go with your heart and intuition. 

I’m glad I did, and I have been attending Soiree Sessions since March 2019. I love everything about it. The meditation part where we connect heart to heart. The conversations on specific topics, journaling. I love how we come together, be vulnerable and express with no judgment.. I love how we become true sisters both in and outside of the circle. 

I thank Michelle for creating this safe space for women to be and to find their true self. I’m grateful to be part of this magical circle, and I’m looking forward to meeting more beautiful souls.

Gulhumar, Victoria, Australia

‘It was a very beautiful process of coming home to myself and also learning more about my humanity.’

Working with Michelle through The Aspire Series was powerful and supportive. The space she facilitates is dynamic and deep, joyful and playful, and all the different things that we need to really expand and to also focus! 

As a coach Michelle is light and safe, intelligent and intuitive and really does hold space and guide in her own beautiful way. I took a lot away from the program and it really contributed to my growth at a pivotal time.

Sapphire Sol, Oracle Coach, Victoria, Australia

Are you ready to really make a difference?

YOU have what it takes. YOU have something precious. YOU hold a story that is uniquely your own. YOU deserve to share it and the world deserves to hear it.

The thing is this...

We are really only here for a short time

The world is at the precipice of change, and we as women have so much within us that can shift and rebalance this whole thing. We can personally influence the direction of humanity. 

In the kind of way that reminds us of what it truly means to be alive and that makes everything that has led us here serve something far greater than ourselves.

Our purpose on this planet is much bigger than us, it MUST be bigger than us and our creativity and contribution grounded in creating the kinds of communities and societies that we ultimately want to exist. 

It’s our time to lead, role model and use all we have to guide those who follow us. 

Here’s how it works

You reach out and let us know that you would LOVE to join The Société. We jump on the phone and have a chat and answer any questions you have. 

When you join The Société, you will be provided with access to our portal that will guide you through our time together. It holds heaps of pre-prepared pieces, reflection and journaling questions and tasks. This is the philosophical work. With eleven modules, we complete one per fortnight.

We will have up to two calls a week that you can jump into live, or watch the recordings. One will relate to sharing and building on our leadership experience and the other is purely for masterminding about your projects.

You will have three key tasks during your time in The Société: 

1. Your written piece for the 55 FACES book

2. Your showcase piece at the Summit

3. Your social project

When you begin we will chat about your personal best timelines for completing your pieces. 

We will have a small online (Facebook/WhattsApp) group where we can all connect and share.

The Société is self guided, with a strong emphasis on co-creation, sharing ideas and contributing to the community, because our connections become so much of our learning and experience!

Up to five 1:1 sessions are included in the Société to really deepen in the impact that you are creating in your world

We are SO excited to guide, hold and help you bring your magic into the world!




Live & powerful masterclasses, up to twice weekly     

Masterclasses where we can dive deeply into both the philosophy of social change and impact as well as really jamming over our projects. These are your spaces to ask questions, explore, share, brainstorm and jam about our learnings. 


Aspire Société online program and membership

You will gain access to a whole year's worth of content, mentoring, activities, support and guidance to greatly enhance your role as a leader. You will be connected with other women doing EPIC projects just like you and encouraged to celebrate and support one another's growth. 


Small community and private Facebook group with support

This is a place for small group sharing, wisdom and a home to foster deeper connections. It is here where you can hold one another accountable to your creations and further explore content from our Masterclasses. 


Guest presenters, workshops, panels and Q & A sessions               

At times, guests may attend to present, offer greater perspectives on our topics, attend on panels or undertake Q & A sessions in their specialised fields. Guests are chosen for their capacity to add diversity to your experience and further opportunities to deepen your awareness.


Your words published in the next 55 FACES book. 

You will become a published Author through 55 FACES, Aspire's own social impact project, with your Société place immediately granting you authorship- you just have to do the writing! 


A place to showcase your project and work at The Summit and Graduate at the Gala Evening

You get to showcase your artistry and success at the next Aspire Summit, which includes a three hour group preparation and post-reflection support sessions -  brilliant opportunities all round (this will be in June 2025 in Bali- all Summit expenses are separate to The Société) 


Michelle’s guidance, wisdom and personalised mentoring

Alongside our masterclass sessions you will receive additional 1:1 support from Michelle which can be tailored as best serves you (5 x 1:1 sessions)  

This Is Your Time 








Module 1: Honouring Who We Are

We welcome in our first module by attuning to the kind of heart and soul connection and strengthening of our intuition that will ultimately allow us to offer the same to others. We explore intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing and growth in a way that enables us to both exist and experience life more fully. An exercise in mindfulness and exploring who we are as individuals with our own unique essence, we strive to really value and define our greatest wisdom, knowledge and resources. This will frame a large part of our work together in redefining who we are and what we are here to do.

Module 2: A View Of The World 

To understand ourselves is to understand both the context that we exist within, our role within it, and to continuously expand our perception to include world views that are different to our own. We will enhance our understanding and appreciation of the teachings of traditional landowners, holistic perspectives, and we will consider the role of modern day systems that form the epicentre of our lives.

We will reconsider our relationship with the world as it affects us and how we also affect it and find our place of belonging within it. 

Module 3: Creating Our Narrative

Storytelling, utilising lived experience and wisdom are incredibly powerful in owning and embracing our narrative. Our stories can assist us to articulate the purpose and meaning of the world we wish to create. Through marrying our past, present and future, we offer ourselves the opportunity for greater freedom and to begin to see our future in a more compelling light. Here we will be guided to establish a record that honours our life experiences and draws on messages, themes and inner resources, while also strengthening our boundaries and creating choice in how we share these parts of ourselves.

Module 4: Unity, Community and Belonging

In exploring what connects us, we also observe what disconnects and separates us from others and community and the impact of this. We consider what influences our sense of belonging and unity and the role that we play in purposely fostering quality relationships with those around us. We learn about the role of the media, societal expectations and popular attitudes and biases in feeding fear, stigma, stereotypes and social isolation. And we of course explore how we can restore unity, community and a sense of belonging in the world.

Module 5: Our Expansion 

When we recognise ourselves as creative and active decision makers who have much greater potential that can be channeled and can influence the world around us, we become much more powerful in all that we set out to do. The way that we express ourselves is a form of energy that expands beyond us. Here we focus on how we can utilise this energy that is both within and around us to affect change, using emotion, intuition, belief, attraction and other modalities.

Module 6: Using Our Voice

Our voice, the way that we use our full selves, our body, language and expression are powerful movers for change, raising awareness and advocating for humanity. We are going to explore methods of awareness raising and determine our own mechanisms for doing this, alongside raising our own awareness of our personal decision making processes and how these, too, are a voice for change. This module will support us to strengthen our voice for change and to communicate more effectively.

Module 7: What’s The Impact?

In naming the social impact of what we have been exploring throughout our time together and the issues that have presented themselves, and in seeing ourselves as active agents to create change,  we can now make choices about where and how we can best contribute to change. We are going to explore the effect of trauma, adversity and oppression from the lens of where and how we are most passionate about shifting the trajectory of the lived reality of these and how our unique contribution can be most useful. We will use these conversations to guide the strategy of our major project design.

Module 8:

The Power Of Holding Space

To facilitate is to coexist with others in a way that fosters safety, trust, discernment, self awareness and the opportunity for those in our space to experience acceptance in all that they bring with them. A hugely underrated and transferable skill that is so much more than listening and having empathy, we will explore, develop and practice together. We will learn how to raise our awareness and presence while also harnessing our own unique flair, and exploring how to navigate the complexities that can arise here.

Module 9: Where Is The Need?

Personal agency, sovereignty and choice are paramount in establishing change. Despite our best intentions, we can very easily take from another’s experience without genuinely hearing and empowering them to be with, experience and act for themselves. Here we will explore how we offer this experience back to others, authentically value and co-design our initiatives in effective ways. We will see how enabling others to determine true need for themselves is one of the key differences in bringing the best out in them and in creating sustainable change.  

Module 10: Leading And Navigating Change

To lead is an inside job first and foremost, and it expands to those around us and through our purpose in the world. We will notice how each element of the work that we have done together has been pivotal in assisting us to explore the role that we play in guiding and fostering the growth of both individuals and teams. Here we are going to navigate our adaptability in teams, leadership and how we bring greater humanity into the spaces that we influence, while also achieving great outcomes.

Module 11:

Sustenance, Evaluation and Celebration

Change is successful when it is sustained, and we are sustained as leaders. In drawing our experience together, we will be facilitating and guiding our projects, observing our process, seeking and receiving feedback and integrating our learnings. We will devise plans about how we will further incorporate change throughout our lives, work and communities and explore how we anticipate that we will sustain this for ourselves. Upon completion, we will celebrate ourselves and our communities, honouring and valuing our transitions through our final ceremony together.

If you want…

-To move from rewriting your personal story, through to supporting others to do the same, finding a new level of depth and meaning, and strengthening your presence in the world

- To align your work in the world with a broader social message and greater potential for impact

-To create a fundraiser, develop a program, event, advocate for a cause or create a more socially conscious and heart centred organisation… any kind of mechanism for social change and impact that best utilises your existing skill set and connections

-To facilitate, speak and lead with greater purpose, meaning and authenticity that truly connects with the essence of who we are as humans

-To better understand the social context that you live within and how to effectively navigate this to influence change

-To ask yourself big questions that influence how you operate in the world and better aligns with both your own values 

-To grow with women who are actively improving the world, sharing our stories and experiences, while becoming better connected to who we are and what we do

-To have moments of breaking out into humour, dance, laughter and slight absurdity

-To really create magic that will stretch you, open you up and hold you in your integrity while demanding that you stand firm in what you believe in

- To literally create a society who are all bringing out their best, sharing who they are and assisting others to do the same

Come and join us!





“Stay connected on Instagram”


"It’s the sisterhood, the solidarity and support for all the nuggets of gold we are sharing with the world to feel so seen, heard, held and supported means the world.

There is no sovereignty more powerful than the one we embody when we own and shine with our dán” - Saoirse Connolly, Women's Coach, Publisher, Mentor, Ireland and Bali, Indonesia.




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