Randa Ali

Randa Ali
38 yrs
Half Lebanese Half Brazilian living in Lebanon
This is who I am in the world:
A woman who grew up in the Middle East, in a very patriarchal culture. Yet, I was blessed to be born to parents who did their best to empower me on so many levels.
Having worked 10 years in corporate, I had learned to alienate myself from my own unique essence and conform to the cultural definition of success, relationships and even femininity.
None of these definitions resonated with me but I was conditioned to reject my inner truth.
When I lost my job and exited an abusive relationship within two months, I was left with so many unanswered questions, not to mention, negative emotions.
Not too long after these incidents, I started my healing journey which led me to discover my unique feminine essence and it empowered me to redefine it for myself and to inspire other women to do so on their own terms.
This is the story that I want next written to women:
I want women all over the world to start living from a place of self worth, shedding all the layers of the societal conditioning that disempowers them. And to take the journey into redefining success, power and femininity in alignment with their own truth.
I want all women to realize they are powerful leaders and that their feminine essence will bring healing and balance into the world.
This is the story that I next want to write for myself:
To be a woman of God, a woman of value who would never cease to work on herself to heal, grow and transform.
To be a woman who empowers other women and leads with feminine power.
I want my story to be one of love, growth, service and success on all levels.

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