Michelle Berger
Introducing……. 55 FACES woman #91
Name: Michelle Berger
Age: 46
Where are you from: Campbelltown South West Sydney NSW Australia
Where do you live: Huskisson South Coast NSW Australia
This is who I am in the world:
By titles I am a daughter, loving partner, sister, aunt, teacher, guide.
I am a mediation facilitator working with chakras, sound, aroma and movement.
I am an eternal student, always learning.
Being in outdoor environments is my medicine, beach, bush and anywhere in-between is where I feel the most supported and nourished.
I love to read – I am a bit obsessed and would choose to spend money on books rather than anything else.
I love to dance – tap and jazz/hip hop are favs however more freeing non-linear moment is something I am currently exploring and how to love my body better through movement.
I am super introverted and highly sensitive - I feel the heartache of the world and I cry A LOT
I am a great listener and will lend an ear for a chat and a shoulder to cry on anytime.
Right now I am a woman DEEP in transition. I am at an age and stage where I am finally beginning to question everything. I am no longer content with the status quo and I have such a deep yearning for MORE and also LESS.
More love, more joy, more adventure, more play, more freedom, just MORE.
And LESS – less clutter, less noise, less stuff, less drama, less stress.
Living my life up until this point as the ‘good girl’ and ‘people pleaser’, I have always followed the rules, done the ‘right thing’ and been silent for most of my life in order to keep the peace and make others happy.
Now in my mid-forties I am currently exploring and shedding the layers and layers of those early years and the conditioning that our patriarchal society dumps on girls and women.
Learning to use my voice, speak my truth, be unapologetically me and love myself and all the parts of me Even when I wobble. Especially when I wobble.
It’s messy and hard and joyful and freeing. Remembering my own magic, rewilding the woman that has been hidden for far too long.
Pushed to conform to a society that does not understand the magic and the power and the nourishment that is WOMAN.
The story I want next written for women:
I would love to see the rewilding of all women from the time they are young girls. That we are taught from a young age that our value comes from within and that we do not need to seek it outside of ourselves. That we are powerful, resilient, magical and that we thrive in an environment of support and community not competition, isolation and disconnection.
That we are given space and support and encouragement to be all that we can be, to follow our dreams and our passions. That we are taught to love our bodies and honour our monthly cycles and seasons. That we are given the space to live by our seasons and energy and not see our cycle as a liability or something to be ashamed of, or ignored, instead honouring the incredible vessel that gives life and nourishment and love to all. That we are taught to remember the wisdom of nature and reconnect to the land, to plants and animals for nourishment and medicine.
The story to rewrite for myself:
To live more bravely, boldly, joyfully, consciously. To live more simply and relearn to embody the cycles and seasons of my own body and mama nature as we sync together and support each other on all stages of our lifecycle. To live in community as it was, as it should be. To continue my remembering and ewilding and share the lost wisdom and magic with other women and girls.