Hannah-Jade Keppler

Hannah-Jade Keppler
16 years old
From: Perth, Western Australia
Lives: Perth, Western Australia
1. This is who I am……
I am Hannah-Jade Keppler. I’m a 16 year old girl from Perth, Western Australia and I am an actor, composer, singer-songwriter, author, director and music artist. I love telling stories in any way possible, whether it is writing a book, a song, a play or a film. I create worlds and characters for other people to understand and find comfort in themselves.
2. What is something I want to tell other women……
I want to tell every woman that they are unstoppable and powerful and can do anything they put their mind to no matter their age, ethnicity or sexuality. In my life I have suffered manipulation and emotional bullying, but I finally found the strength to say, “enough”, and stood up for myself and so can you. Don’t let anyone make you feel small and powerless. This is your life and no one has the right to make you hate it.
3. When I am older I would love to…….
All my life I have been referred to as a Disney Princess because of my love for the values and magic bestowed upon me by Disney stories. When I grow up I would love to work with Disney in some way because of the magic Disney showed me as a child that I would love to pass on to the next generation. I would also love to write and perform a musical for Broadway or The West End.

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